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WebRTC iOS Client Configuration



public struct TxConfig

This structure is intended to used for Telnyx SDK configurations.



public internal(set) var sipUser: String?


public internal(set) var password: String?


public internal(set) var token: String?


public internal(set) var pushNotificationConfig: TxPushConfig?


public internal(set) var ringBackTone: String?


public internal(set) var ringtone: String?


public internal(set) var reconnectClient: Bool = true


public internal(set) var pushEnvironment: PushEnvironment?


public internal(set) var debug: Bool = false

Enables WebRTC communication statistics reporting to Telnyx servers.

  • Note: This flag is different from logLevel:
    • debug: When enabled, sends WebRTC communication statistics to Telnyx servers for monitoring and debugging purposes. See WebRTCStatsReporter class for details on the statistics collected.
    • logLevel: Controls console log output in Xcode when running the app in debug mode.
  • Important: The debug flag is disabled by default to minimize data usage.


public internal(set) var forceRelayCandidate: Bool = false

Controls whether the SDK should force TURN relay for peer connections. When enabled, the SDK will only use TURN relay candidates for ICE gathering, which prevents the "local network access" permission popup from appearing.

  • Note: Enabling this may affect the quality of calls when devices are on the same local network, as all media will be relayed through TURN servers.
  • Important: This setting is disabled by default to maintain optimal call quality.



public init(sipUser: String, password: String,
pushDeviceToken: String? = nil,
ringtone: String? = nil,
ringBackTone: String? = nil,
pushEnvironment: PushEnvironment? = nil,
logLevel: LogLevel = .none,
reconnectClient: Bool = true,
debug: Bool = false,
forceRelayCandidate: Bool = false

Constructor for the Telnyx SDK configuration using SIP credentials.

  • Parameters:
    • sipUser: The SIP username for authentication
    • password: The password associated with the SIP user
    • pushDeviceToken: (Optional) The device's push notification token, required for receiving inbound call notifications
    • ringtone: (Optional) The audio file name to play for incoming calls (e.g., "my-ringtone.mp3")
    • ringBackTone: (Optional) The audio file name to play while making outbound calls (e.g., "my-ringbacktone.mp3")
    • logLevel: (Optional) The verbosity level for SDK logs (defaults to .none)


sipUserThe SIP username for authentication
passwordThe password associated with the SIP user
pushDeviceToken(Optional) The device’s push notification token, required for receiving inbound call notifications
ringtone(Optional) The audio file name to play for incoming calls (e.g., “my-ringtone.mp3”)
ringBackTone(Optional) The audio file name to play while making outbound calls (e.g., “my-ringbacktone.mp3”)
logLevel(Optional) The verbosity level for SDK logs (defaults to .none)


public init(token: String,
pushDeviceToken: String? = nil,
ringtone: String? = nil,
ringBackTone: String? = nil,
pushEnvironment: PushEnvironment? = nil,
logLevel: LogLevel = .none,
debug: Bool = false,
forceRelayCandidate: Bool = false)

Constructor for the Telnyx SDK configuration using JWT token authentication.

  • Parameters:
    • token: JWT token generated from
    • pushDeviceToken: (Optional) The device's push notification token, required for receiving inbound call notifications
    • ringtone: (Optional) The audio file name to play for incoming calls (e.g., "my-ringtone.mp3")
    • ringBackTone: (Optional) The audio file name to play while making outbound calls (e.g., "my-ringbacktone.mp3")
    • logLevel: (Optional) The verbosity level for SDK logs (defaults to .none)
    • serverConfiguration: (Optional) Custom configuration for signaling server and TURN/STUN servers (defaults to Telnyx Production servers)


tokenJWT token generated from
pushDeviceToken(Optional) The device’s push notification token, required for receiving inbound call notifications
ringtone(Optional) The audio file name to play for incoming calls (e.g., “my-ringtone.mp3”)
ringBackTone(Optional) The audio file name to play while making outbound calls (e.g., “my-ringbacktone.mp3”)
logLevel(Optional) The verbosity level for SDK logs (defaults to .none)
serverConfiguration(Optional) Custom configuration for signaling server and TURN/STUN servers (defaults to Telnyx Production servers)


public func validateParams() throws

Validate if TxConfig parameters are valid

  • Throws: Throws TxConfig parameters errors