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WebRTC Voice SDKs Commonalities

Classes, Methods, and Events

Broadly speaking, across all the SDKs —

There are two main classes —

  • The Client class that represents the session. This session encapsulates the websocket connection which is used for signaling and the active call.
  • The Call class that represents a webRTC media connection

The Client class offers methods to

  • Instantiate an outbound call
  • Un/Register callback handlers for events
  • Control input and output devices

The Call class offers methods to perform actions on a call, e.g.

  • Answer or hang up
  • Emit DTMF digits

There are three categories of events exposed —

  • On changes to the websocket, e.g. connected or disconnected
  • On changes to the client, e.g. ready to make and receive calls
  • On changes to the call, e.g. answered


A Client instance needs to be properly authenticated before a call can be made or received.

The following means of authentications are offered

Consult the linked guides on to the specific how-to guides.

Dialing Registered Clients

Method of AuthenticationDialing registered clients with Examples
Basic credential based SIP connectionSIP user name on the connection
Basic credential based SIP connectionPhone number on the connection (* See notes below.)+13128889999
Telephony credentialSIP user name on the telephony credential
JWTSIP user name on the parent telephony credential

Dialing registered client using phone number on the connection requires "Destination Number Format" to be set as "SIP Username" on the "Inbound" setting of the same connection.

Multi-client Registration Behavior

It’s recommended that the user sticks to one method of authentication and not mix and match unless there is a compelling use case for it.

Here is an example to illustrate —

Credential based SIP connection with SIP username john1234. Attached to this connections are:

  • Telephony credential, gencred1
    • JWT, token1_1
  • Telephony credential, gencred2
    • JWT, token2_1
    • JWT, token2_2

Respective registrations are:

  • client_a is registered with john1234
  • client_b is registered with gencred1
  • client_c is registered with token1_1
  • client_d is registered with gencred2
  • client_e is registered with token2_1
  • client_f is registered with token2_2
Dialing…Which client gets rung…
gencred1@sip.telnyx.comIndeterminate; the last client to register between client_b and client_c.
gencred2@sip.telnyx.comIndeterminate; the last client to register between client_d, client_e and client_f.

Common Usage Patterns

Two common primitive patterns are presented below. They can be augmented or used in combination with each other to achieve the user’s desired call flows.

Pattern 1

This pattern is driven by the client-end application.

  • A client-end application (Web or Mobile App) initiates a call.
  • The call is temporarily parked by Telnyx.
  • Telnyx issues a webhook event to the user’s backend service.
  • User’s backend service performs additional processing using Telnyx Voice API, TeXML or Conferencing API.
  • Depending on user’s business logic,
    • a second call leg may be initiated by the user’s backend and bridged to the initial call leg, or
    • the initial call leg be put into a queue or conference until bridged to another call leg.

Pattern 2

This pattern is driven by a call from outside the Telnyx network.

  • Telnyx receives a call from outside the Telnyx network, e.g. PSTN.
  • Telnyx processes the call via TeXML instruction or Voice API commands
  • That call leg is placed into a queue or conference room
  • User’s backend service initiates a second call leg toward a client-end application
  • The two call legs are eventually joined via bridge command or conference join


WebRTC call legs are billed at $0.002/minute.

Other voice legs and add on features are charged separately and independently according to the user’s price plan.