Home Flutter SDK ChangeLog
Fixed an issue where the call states were not being updated correctly, identifying a call as active when it was still connecting (ICE Gathering). This caused a scenario where users thought a call was active but couldn't hear anything.
Fixed an issue where running stats on calls could cause a call to end if the description was not set.
Fixed the web version of the SDK that was having issues working on Safari.
Call ID no longer required when ending call or using DTMF. As these methods belong to a call
object, the call ID is inferred from the call object itself. This means users only need to keep
track of the call objects that are in use and call the relevant methods on the call object itself.
Fixed an issue where the Bye Params (such as cause = USER_BUSY) were not being included in the ReceivedMessage.
Update UUID dependency to latest version to avoid conflicts with implementers of the SDK
Updated WebRTC to latest Flutter WebRTC version containing a hotfix for audio route issues on iOS
Fixed an issue where audio would not loop for ringtones or ringback tones
Fixed an issue where, when accepting a an invite, the destination number was being set to name
instead of number.
Improve IceCandidate handling to skip candidates when call is active
Improve PushNotification support on callkit for iOS
General bug fixes and import cleanups.
Implemented WebSocket and RTC peer reconnection logic to ensure seamless recovery during network
disconnects or switches.
General bug fixes related to imports and how they work and switch between Mobile / Web
Added support to include login credentials for the connect
Implemented push notifications mechanism for both background and foreground states.
Fixed one-way audio issue.
Enhanced call state handling mechanism.
Fixed disposal of audio tracks to release iOS/Android microphones properly.
Fixed iOS push notification handling and reliability.
Resolved issues with Android push notifications.
Fixed audio issues for the web platform.
Fixed ringing state behavior.
Fixed gateway timeout issues.
Updated the sample app with a new disconnect functionality.
Fixed disconnect functionality to allow subsequent logins.
Added Ping/Pong socket functionality to keep sockets alive.
Fixed serialized variable names for better backend functionality.
Improved code formatting for readability.
General bug fixes.
Improved code formatting for readability.
Enabled speaker mode toggle.
Enabled PSTN call integration using early SDP contained in Telnyx media messages.
Fixed ICE candidate error that would add a local IP ICE candidate.
Improved stability by providing a session ID to the backend immediately rather than waiting to set
Fixed gateway retry errors that continuously retried without a timeout.
Improved SDK stability with regular black-box tests.
Included an example folder with documentation.
Resolved issues from static code analysis.
Simplified SDK usage by removing unnecessary parameters from various calls.
Added reference links for Pub.dev listing.
Initial release with basic functionality.