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Update an outbound profile


Updates the specified outbound profile with the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not included in the request will be left unchanged.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    ID of Outbound Profile to update



Updated Outbound Profile object

    connection_ids string[]required
    name string

    A user-supplied name to help with organization

    traffic_type integerrequired

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    Default value: 1

    Conversational = 1, Short Duration = 2

    service_plan integerrequired

    Possible values: [1, 2, 4]

    Default value: 4

    Indicates the coverage of the termination regions. International and Global are the same but International may only be used for high volume/short duration outbound profiles. 3 (EEA originated) has been retired and is now covered by Global. Possible values are: US = 1, International = 2, Global = 4

    active boolean

    Defaults to true

    translation_rule string

    Only configure if advised by Telnyx support

    cps_limit_increase integer
    ports integer

    Must be no more than your concurrent call limit. Null means no limit.

    tag_list string[]
    usage_payment_method string

    Possible values: [tariff, rate-deck]

    Default value: rate-deck

    Setting for how costs for outbound profile are calculated.

    whitelisted_destination_format string

    Possible values: [alpha2, alpha3, iso_numeric]

    Format of your whitelisted destinations.

    whitelisted_destinations string[]

    Default value: US,CA

    The list of destinations you want to be able to call using this outbound profile.

    max_destination_rate float

    Maximum rate at which you can make a call using this outbound profile

    call_recording_type string

    Possible values: [all, none, by_call_phone_number]

    Defines how to filter which calls are recorded.

    call_recording_phone_numbers string[]

    When call_recording_type is set to by_caller_phone_number, only outbound calls using one of these numbers will be recorded. Numbers must be specified in E164 format.

    call_recording_format string

    Possible values: [wav, mp3]

    Default value: wav

    The audio file format for calls being recorded.

    call_recording_channels string

    Possible values: [single, dual]

    Default value: single

    When using 'dual' channels, final audio file will be stereo recorded with the first leg on channel A, and the rest on channel B.

    daily_spend_limit string

    The maximum amount of usage charges, in USD, you want Telnyx to allow on this outbound profile in a day before disallowing new calls. Example: 100.00.

    daily_spend_limit_enabled boolean

    Specifies whether to enforce the daily_spend_limit on this outbound profile.

    billing_group_id string

    The ID of the billing group to which the outbound profile is assigned. Defaults to null (for no group assigned).


200: Outbound Profile updated response

400: Bad request

401: Unauthorized

Request samples

curl -L -X PUT '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"connection_ids": [
"name": "string",
"traffic_type": 1,
"service_plan": 4,
"active": true,
"translation_rule": "string",
"cps_limit_increase": 0,
"ports": 0,
"tag_list": [
"usage_payment_method": "rate-deck",
"whitelisted_destination_format": "alpha2",
"whitelisted_destinations": [
"max_destination_rate": 0,
"call_recording_type": "all",
"call_recording_phone_numbers": [
"call_recording_format": "wav",
"call_recording_channels": "single",
"daily_spend_limit": "string",
"daily_spend_limit_enabled": false,
"billing_group_id": "string"

Response samples

"id": "string",
"user_id": "string",
"connections": [
"name": "string",
"traffic_type": 1,
"service_plan": 4,
"cps_limit": 100,
"ports": 0,
"translation_rule": "string",
"active": true,
"cps_limit_increase": 0,
"tag_list": [
"usage_payment_method": "rate-deck",
"custom_rate_deck": false,
"rate_deck_url": "string",
"whitelisted_destination_format": "alpha3",
"whitelisted_destinations": [
"max_destination_rate": 0,
"connection_id": "string",
"call_recording_type": "all",
"call_recording_phone_numbers": [
"call_recording_format": "wav",
"call_recording_channels": "single",
"daily_spend_limit": "string",
"daily_spend_limit_enabled": false,
"billing_group_id": "string"