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Retrieve an outbound profile


Retrieves the details of an existing outbound profile.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    ID of Outbound Profile to retrieve

Query Parameters

    whitelisted_destination_format string

    Possible values: [alpha2, alpha3, iso_numeric]

    Default value: alpha3

    Format of your whitelisted destinations.


200: Outbound Profile record response

401: Unauthorized

404: Resource not found

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Response samples

"id": "string",
"user_id": "string",
"connections": [
"name": "string",
"traffic_type": 1,
"service_plan": 4,
"cps_limit": 100,
"ports": 0,
"translation_rule": "string",
"active": true,
"cps_limit_increase": 0,
"tag_list": [
"usage_payment_method": "rate-deck",
"custom_rate_deck": false,
"rate_deck_url": "string",
"whitelisted_destination_format": "alpha3",
"whitelisted_destinations": [
"max_destination_rate": 0,
"connection_id": "string",
"call_recording_type": "all",
"call_recording_phone_numbers": [
"call_recording_format": "wav",
"call_recording_channels": "single",
"daily_spend_limit": "string",
"daily_spend_limit_enabled": false,
"billing_group_id": "string"