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We will construct the following architecture:

AWS Architecture



This step is performed on AWS.


⚠️ Note: Ensure the intended region is selected. In this example, we are using eu-central-1 as the region.

AWS Create VPC

Resources to createVPC only
IPv4 CIDR blockIPv4 CIDR manual input
IPv4 CIDRRFC1918, e.g.
IPv6 CIDR blockNo IPv6 CIDR block

Virtual Private Gateway

This step is performed on AWS.

Create and attach a virtual private gateway to the VPC created.

AWS Virtual Private Gateway

⚠️ Note: Ensure the intended region is selected. In this example, we are using eu-central-1 as the region.

AWS Create Virtual Private Gateway

⚠️ Note: Amazon default ASN value is 64512. You will need this value for VXC creation.

Next, attach the virtual private gateway to the VPC created in the first step.

AWS Attach Virtual Private Gateway

AWS Attach Virtual Private Gateway 2

The state of the virtual private gateway will go from “Detached” to “Attaching” and finally “Attached”.

VPC Route Table

This step is performed on AWS.

AWS VPC Route Table 1

AWS VPC Route Table 2

AWS VPC Route Table 3

Internet Gateway

This step is performed on AWS.

This is optional. Create and attach an internet gateway to the VPC created.

AWS Internet Gateway 1

AWS Internet Gateway 2

AWS Internet Gateway 3

AWS Internet Gateway 4

AWS Internet Gateway 5

AWS Internet Gateway 6


This step is performed on AWS.

Assuming you don’t have a subnet setup — Choose the VPC created. Subnet CIDR block should be chosen from within the VPC block.

AWS Subnet


This step is performed on AWS.

Assuming you don’t have an EC2 instance — spin one up in the same region. Assign the VPC and Subnet created previously. Enable public IP on the instance so you can ssh into it.


Account ID

This step is performed on AWS.

⚠️ You would need this number when you create the Telnyx VXC later.

AWS Account ID

Telnyx Network

This step is performed on Telnyx.

If you don't have a network created already, you may follow this guide to create one.


Create a VXC resource

This step is performed on Telnyx.

POST /v2/virtual_cross_connects HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 286

"network_id": "314ae4ed-04f0-4111-be40-240beb7fdcf0",
"name": "xd-frankfurt-vxc-aws",
"cloud_provider": "aws",
"cloud_provider_region": "eu-central-1",
"primary_cloud_account_id": "YYY",
"bgp_asn": 64512,
"bandwidth_mbps": 50
cloud_provider_regionMatch what you selected on the AWS
primary_cloud_account_idAWS account ID from the last step
bgp_asnAWS’s bgp asn which is 64512
bandwidth_mbpsChosen from available bandwidth of the VXC coverage API

Take note of the VXC id returned in the response.

Direct Connect

This step is performed on AWS.

If you haven’t accepted the connection from your AWS account within 1 hour of the VXC creation, the VXC would be deleted and you will have to start over.

AWS Direct Connect

AWS Direct Connect 2

Enable Primary Connection

This step is performed on Telnyx.

The connection must be enabled to be used.

PATCH /v2/virtual_cross_connects/:vxc_uuid HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXX
Content-Length: 31

"primary_enabled": true

At this point, the connection on AWS will show as “available”.

AWS Enable Primary Connection

Virtual Interface

This step is performed on AWS.

The connection created above needs to have an interface to which to connect.

AWS Virtual Interface 1

AWS Virtual Interface 2 Interface Parameters

ConnectionChoose the Direct Connection you accepted previously.
Virtual interface ownerMy AWS account
Gateway TypeVirtual Private Gateway and select the one you created in Prerequisite – AWS → Virtual Private Gateway
BGP ASN63440 - Telnyx ASN
Your router peer IP - optionalprimary_telnyx_ip
Amazon router peer IP - optionalprimary_cloud_ip
BGP authentication key - optionalprimary_bgp_key

Lastly you should see the following – the interface is “available”.

AWS Interface Parameters

Validate Connection

This step is performed on AWS. ssh into your EC2 instance and either ping or traceroute to one of the IP in the route table of the VPC. You can see the route went over the VXC instead of the public internet.

AWS Validate Connection