Sends DTMF tones from this leg. DTMF tones will be heard by the other end of the call.
Expected Webhooks:
There are no webhooks associated with this command.
Path Parameters
call_control_id stringrequired
Unique identifier and token for controlling the call
- application/json
digits stringrequired
DTMF digits to send. Valid digits are 0-9, A-D, *, and #. Pauses can be added using w (0.5s) and W (1s).
duration int32
Default value: 250
Specifies for how many milliseconds each digit will be played in the audio stream. Ranges from 100 to 500ms
client_state string
Use this field to add state to every subsequent webhook. It must be a valid Base-64 encoded string.
command_id string
Use this field to avoid duplicate commands. Telnyx will ignore commands with the same "command_id".
200: Successful response
- application/json
422: Error response
- application/json
Request samples
curl -L '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"digits": "1www2WABCDw9",
"duration": 500,
"client_state": "aGF2ZSBhIG5pY2UgZGF5ID1d",
"command_id": "891510ac-f3e4-11e8-af5b-de00688a4901"
Response samples
"result": "ok"
"code": "90015",
"title": "Invalid Call Control ID",
"detail": "The call_control_id provided was not valid."