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Retrieve regulatory requirements


Retrieve regulatory requirements


Query Parameters

    filter[phone_number] string

    Phone number to check requirements for

    filter[requirement_group_id] string

    ID of requirement group to check requirements for

    filter[country_code] string

    Country code(iso2) to check requirements for

    filter[phone_number_type] string

    Possible values: [local, toll_free, mobile, national, shared_cost]

    Phone number type to check requirements for

    filter[action] string

    Possible values: [ordering, porting, action]

    Action to check requirements for


200: An array of Regulatory Requirements Responses

default: Unexpected error

Request samples

curl -L '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'

Response samples

"data": [
"country_code": "DE",
"phone_number_type": "local",
"action": "ordering",
"regulatory_requirements": [
"description": "Address matching the DID area code (street, building number, postal code, city and country)",
"id": "12ade33a-21c0-473b-b055-b3c836e1c292",
"example": "600 Congress Avenue, 14th Floor, Austin, TX 78701",
"name": "Address matching the DID area code",
"field_type": "address_id",
"acceptance_criteria": {
"locality_limit": "Identical locality as the numbers desired",
"time_limit": "Less than 5 months old",
"regex": "regex field value must match",
"case_sensitive": "Whether field value is case sensitive",
"acceptable_characters": "Characters that can be included in field value",
"acceptable_values": [
"max_length": "10",
"min_length": "5"