Display information about allocatable global outbound channels for the current user.
Display information about allocatable global outbound channels for the current user. Only usable by account managers.
200: Successful response with information about allocatable global outbound channels.
- application/json
401: Unauthenticated response. Happens when the current user cannot be authenticated.
403: Unauthorized response. Happens when the current user is not authorized to access the endpoint.
Request samples
curl -L 'https://api.telnyx.com/v2/managed_accounts/allocatable_global_outbound_channels' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
Response samples
"data": {
"allocatable_global_outbound_channels": 500,
"record_type": "allocatable_global_outbound_channels",
"total_global_channels_allocated": 135